A Simple gRPC CRUD Example with Java
This is in continuation of the my previous post on gRPC with Java . This post shares a simple and complete gRPC CRUD example with Java. You can find the complete source here: https://github.com/jobinesh/cloud-native-applications/tree/master/grpc-hr-example The following APIs are exposed by the gRPC server used in this example: rpc createDepartment (Department) returns (Department) {}; rpc updateDepartment (Department) returns (Department) {}; rpc findDepartmentsByFilter(DepartmentFilter) returns (DepartmentList) {}; rpc deleteDepartment(google.protobuf.Int64Value) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}; rpc findDepartmentById (google.protobuf.Int64Value) returns (Department) {}; rpc findAllDepartments(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream Department) {}; rpc updateDepartmentsInBatch(stream Department) returns (stream Department){}; The README.md has the detailed steps for running the example. Enjoy !