Oracle Open World Call for Proposals

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  1. Jobinesh,

    Can you let me know is there any alternative other than using RowDisclosureEvents getAddedSet and getRemovedSet, to know about the row expanded or collapsed in the tree table. Usually we use to have DisclosureEvent's isExpanded, but the RowDisclosireEvent does not have any methods like the above one, so we are using the getAddedSet and getRemovedSet. Please let me know your inputs. Thanks.

  2. Jobinesh, Sorry to bump you again. I think i will check new PS6 for this type of requirement, please let me know if you have any alternate approach or can we raise a SR for this.


  3. I don't think there exits any such methods on RowDisclosureEvent. The RowDisclosureEvent has an AddedSet and a RemovedSet. These sets contain the row keys for the newly expanded and collapsed nodes.
    Normally you would iterate through these sets in your RowDisclosureEvent
    listener and perform any application logic.


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