Specifying Converter for a Dynamic UI Component

The following code snippet illustrates the API usage for setting JSF converter for a UI component added at runtime.
 RichInputDate inputDate1 = new RichInputDate();  
 Application application= FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication();  
 DateTimeConverter dateTimeConverter= (DateTimeConverter) application.createConverter("javax.faces.DateTime");  
 dateTimeConverter.setPattern("yyyy dd mm");  
Tag doc  for af:inputDate says that -
Developers can programmatically attach a converter. That converter should be obtained by Application.createConverter(), rather than simply calling new DateTimeConverter(). Otherwise, some functionality will be missing, e.g. client conversion and validation, and the date picker will only display as an input field without the date-time popup (the popup relies on the client conversion and validation support)


  1. Hi Jobinesh

    I am using Jdev, the use case is, I have af:inputtext on UI in a panelform , whose datatype in DB is Varchar2(10) , this is a phone number field. The user will enter a 10-digit number 1234567890 and then it should be displayed in US number format as (123)-456-7890. But in DB it has to be stored as 1234567890. Can you help me in this regard. Detailed explanation is need and appreciated.

  2. Hi Jobinesh

    I am using Jdev, the use case is, I have af:inputtext on UI in a panelform , whose datatype in DB is Varchar2(10) , this is a phone number field. The user will enter a 10-digit number 1234567890 and then it should be displayed in US number format as (123)-456-7890. But in DB it has to be stored as 1234567890. Can you help me in this regard. Detailed explanation is need and appreciated.

  3. Pavan
    One option is build custom JSF converter. More details here http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E24382_01/web.1112/e16181/af_validate.htm#ADFUI360

  4. Thanks for the Post...
    got the exact code i looking for


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