Tips on defining Declarative View Objects

View Objects in 'Declarative SQL Mode' would help you to optimize SELECT clause at run time by having only those attributes/columns really used by the page(based on the attribute definitions from the page definition file ). This feature is useful if you have large number of attributes and only a subset is displayed on the UI. Please refer 5.8 Working with View Objects in Declarative SQL Mode in Fusion Developer's Guide to learn more about Declarative View Objects.

Please note that, each attribute in the view object has a Boolean property called "IsSelected". This is shown in the attribute editor as a check box - "Selected in Query".

If IsSelected=true (or absence of IsSelected attribute), then that attribute will be selected in the SELECT statement always, regardless of whether the attribute is selected by the UI or not. So if you really want to have optimized SELECT clause generated at run time (based on the attribute usage on UI), please deselect "Selected in Query" check box manually for all 'Non Key' attributes.


  1. If I use this view object from a webservice, like a create WS method, would adding isSelected="false" to an attrribute mean that the select query for this VO would not have these attributes?

  2. Is there any way we can achieve this setting programatically in bean code ? An example would be helpful.


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